LP View: Can emerging managers beat the first-time fund blues?

  • Shelly Porges, Co-Founder and Managing Partner, Beyond the Billion
  • Sharon Liang, Principal & Head of Southeast Asia, Siguler Guff & Company
  • Sean Yoo, Head Asia Pacific, Private Equity, Federated Hermes
  • Geetali Kumar, Regional Lead for Venture Capital and Disruptive Technologies, East & SE Asia, IFC, World Bank
  • Ngoc Nguyen, Deputy Editor, Vietnam, DealStreetAsia (Moderator)

As limited partners (LPs) are putting a greater emphasis on distributions, they rely on the track record of fund managers to generate liquidity throughout market cycles. The fundraising environment for emerging managers has therefore continued to deteriorate due to the selection bias by global LPs. Risk-adverse investors understandably tend to favour established general partners (GPs), but at the same time, LPs who can be patient with performance are poised for potential upside by investing in burgeoning fund managers. What does it take for first-time fundraisers to beat the current market downturn? This panel will discuss the value of partnering with emerging managers; the private capital landscape and its impact on GP selection; the history of outperformance by smaller GPs; partnership dynamics in emerging managers and LPs’ due diligence checklist.