Kartika Wirjoatmodjo

Vice Minister of State Owned Enterprises
Republic of Indonesia

An accountant, financial consultant, and former CEO of PT Bank Mandiri, Kartika Wirjoatmodjo was appointed as the Deputy Minister of State-Owned Enterprises in President Joko Widodo’s Indonesia Onward Cabinet for 2019-2024.

Before his appointment, Wirjoatmodjo held several prominent positions in Indonesia’s financial sector, including CFO and then CEO of PT Bank Mandiri Tbk (2015-2019), CEO of the Indonesia Deposit Insurance Corporation (2014-2015), and CEO of Indonesia Infrastructure Finance (2011-2013). He also served as Managing Director at PT Mandiri Sekuritas (2008-2011) and chaired the National Banks Association (Perbanas) from 2016 to 2020.

He holds an Economics degree from the University of Indonesia (1996) and an MBA from Erasmus University, Rotterdam (2001).