Adam Ladjadj

Founder and Chairman
Emirates Family Office Association

Adam Ladjadj is a seasoned professional with deep roots in the realm of finance and investments. As the Founder and Chairman of The Emirates Family Office Association, Oros Multi Family Office, and the Chief Investment Officer of a Private Family Office, he has devoted his career to establishing and nurturing wealth management strategies.
In addition to his leadership roles, Mr. Ladjadj also plays a critical part in other prominent financial entities, including Oros Asset Management, Ledger Technologies, and AD Investment LLC. Particularly adept at strategy development, Mr. Ladjadj demonstrates an uncanny ability to implement business growth strategies across global markets. His strategic vision, combined with a profound understanding of international business dynamics, has earned him esteemed positions of authority with Ultra High Net Worth Individuals (UHNWI) and Royal families, both within the Middle East and on a global scale. He takes pride in his capacity to create solutions that enable Funds and investors to increase their activity levels while reducing the associated time, effort, cost, and bureaucratic hurdles.
The Emirates Family Office Association is the sole industry association in the Middle East representing Family Offices.